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AGE 45 - 46 [1816]

Compiled by Gary D. Evans

Last Updated: March 25, 2019 7:46 PM



FAMILY - SOCIAL ISSUES: It is likely not a simple coincidence that Beethoven's creative output declined between the years 1815 and 1817, given his legal struggles over Karl and his struggles to provide proper care of the boy. In addition, Beethoven suffered from a protracted illness that began in October 1816, along with his near total deafness.

There wasa significant drop in Beethoven's work between 1815 and 1817 duringwhich time he suffered from prolonged illnesses and from the emotionalburden of failed romances and from caring for his ill brother Carlwho finally died November 15, 1815 of tuberculosis, and his beliefthat Carl's wife Johanna was an unfit mother to his nine-year-oldnephew Karl. Before his death, Carl established Beethoven and Johannaas jnt guardians of the boy, which Beethoven fought vigorously incourt. This battle extended through 1820 and caused a great deal offinancially and emotional stress to all parties involved. The manycourt appearances eventually led to the determination (December 18,1818) that Beethoven was, in fact, a commoner - leading to furtherstress for him. Through those years, Beethoven was quite severe withKarl, and the boy became increasingly unhappy - eventually leadingto a suicide attempt 7/31/1826. Karl survived and eventually joinedthe army - escaping the traumatic life surrounding the custody battlesand Beethoven's demands on him.

image from 1815 (Mahler - Oil)


Op 94: lieder w/ piano "An die Hoffnung" [Close to op32 in content. Begins w/ verse "If there be a God - ? If he will someday fulfill that for which tearfully this intense longing hopes?" (Musical relation also with recitative of the basses at beginning of last movement of 9th Symph.) [See pg 46 B. newsletter Winter 87]?? 1815 ??
Op 98: An die ferne Gelibte (April) [1st & last song had main motef from the Andante Favori. B. had once given the Andante to Josephine w/ the words: "here - your - your Andante!"]
Op 99: lieder w/ piano "Der Mann vom Wort"  
Op 101: Piano Sonata in A (Begun in April - completed in November) Probably chiefly in the Summer during a Baden stay. [L Decade pg147]. Referring to the last movement, bars 223-7 where Beethoven first made use of the instrument's low E -- he wrote to Tobias Haslinger:

Most Excellent A(djutan)t Second S(coundre)l of the Empire. The guilty and the innocent are commanded to see to the proof-reading with all speed and to return the proofs to me."

"In the last movement, in the passage where low E appear in the four chords, I should like the letters to be added, thus"
			E    E    E    E    E
			A    F#   G#   A    B
			E    E    E    E    E
"Furthermore, the words which have been added in certain places must be noted and inserted -- The innocent and the guilty, the rude and the courteous second S(coundre)l of the Empire etc. etc. etc. cannot be promoted."

[L.Decade pg147-8] (Note - Refers to words added - probably refers to marks of expression).
Op 108: 25 Scottish folksongs ?? Dates ??
Op 121a: Piano Trio vars. Over asons "Ich bin der Schneider Kakadu" [from op1]
WoO 24: March for mil music in D (June) For large band including 5 clarinets, 6 horns, 8 trumpets, etc. [Per B.Jrnl 11#2? pg24]
WoO 146: Song, "Sehnsucht" (early)
WoO 147: Song, "Ruf vom Berge" (Dec)
WoO 153: 20 Irish songs  
WoO 154 12 Irish songs  
WoO 157: 12 Assorted folksongs  
WoO 158 #1: 23 Continental folksongs (1st 18 compl. 5/2)(see Cooper pg 271)
WoO 158 #2: 7 British folksongs
WoO 158 #3: 6 Assorted folksongs (ibid)
WoO 168: 2 Canons #1 "Das Schweigen" (text from Herder's aphoristic poetry: "Learn to keep silent, O friend. Speech is like silver, but to be silent at the right time is pure gold" [Tagebuch#5-1813] #2 "Das Reden" (Jan 24th) (for departing (to London) Charles Neate
WoO 169: "Ich küssSie", two-part canon  
WoO 170: Canon "Ars longa, vita brevis" (Apr) (for departing Johann Hummel, (however, visited B.when he was dying)
Hess 97: Piano arr.Wellington's Sieg op91  
Hess 200: The Maid of Isla, 1st and 2nd versions of op108 #4  
Hess 250: Ich kuesse Sie, druecke Sie an mein Herz, Riddle canon in C Jan 6, 1816
Unclassified: Trio for piano in f sketched in May
Unclassified: Piano Trio in g sketched in May; Unfinished -- possibly the one sketched for Marie's children [B.Jrnl v11#2 pg24 in Coopers critique of Altman]


By this time B. was cut off from his earlier aristocratic supporters save for ArchdukeRudolph & his music did not appeal to the masses causing him insult and some resentment [Last Decade p20]

		"Leave aside operas and everything else; write only in your manner. And then a cowl to
		end this unhappy life." [Tagebuch#84]
		"Fate, show your power! We have no mastery over ourselves: whatever has been
		determined, must be, and so be it, then!" [Hamburger p144-5]
		"Endurance - Resignation - Resignation! Thus we may yet gain by the utmost misery and
		become worthy of God's forgiveness of our faults." [Hamburger p144-5]

		"You will regard K. as your own child..." [Hamburger p144-5]
1st use of ear trumpet - Beethoveen is now totally deaf Rt.
Jan 9
Landrecht appointed Beethoven Karl's sole guardian with legal appointment 10 days later
Jan 19
Landrecht order establishing Beethoven as Karl's guardianship in effect.
Jan 24
Two farewell cannons (WoO 168) written for Neate who was about to leave for London
Wellingtons Sieg published in score and parts
Feb 2
B. sent Karl to Giannatasio's private reform school (for 2years). B. spent time with the Giannatasio family including daughters Nanni and Fanny. Fanny (whose fiancée had died less than a year earlier [Man of His Word pg228]) became jealous of a secret love of B's and she recorded that he had mentioned unfulfilled love relationship that began 5 years earlier. "She wrote in her diary that Beethoven often spoke of his grandfather in glowing terms, describing 'what a true and honorable man he had been.' " [from Beethoven, by Maynard Solomon 1979]
Feb 11
Schuppanzgh gave a farewell concert before leaving for Russia. Music performed included Razumovsky Quartet #3, Quintet op16, Septet op20. Beethoven was present.
Feb 18
Cellist Linke gave a farewell concert where Beethoven's works were performed: Cello Sonata op69, op102 (?#), and a new piano sonata (?op90).
Feb 22
Letter from Beethoven to Giannatasio, headmaster of Karl's school: "In regard to Karl's mother I have now decided to comply fully with your desire that she should not see him at all at your school." [Anderson pg563 per Man of His Word pg32]
Feb 28
Letter to Ries: "...I have not been well for some time; my brother's death affected my spirits and my work." "...and I at the same time guardian of my poor late brother's child. You will hardly have had as much aggravation as I have had over that death; yet I have the sweet consolation of having saved a poor innocent child from the hands of an unworthy mother." [Wegeler/Ries p123]
B. remained in frequent contact w/ Johanna - after a time she became convinced that his actions were beneficial to Karl.
Piano Sonata op101 begun
'An die ferne Geliebte' composed (published in October)
Apr 22
Publication announcement for song, 'An die Hoffnung' op94
Piano Trio in f minor sketched - never completed
May 2
First 18 continental folksong settings completed
May 8
In a letter to Ries B. writes: " ... My salary amounts to 3400 florins in paper money. I pay 1100 rent; my servant and his wife 900 fl.; you can work out what remains. At the same time I have to support my little nephew completely; until now he has been at boarding school; this costs up to 1100 fl. and is still not satisfactory, so that I have to establish a regular household before I can bring him to live with me. How much one has to earn merely to be able to live here; and yet there is no end to it, because - because - because - you know shat I mean." The letter ends with: "My best greetings to your wife; alas, I have none; I found only one, whom I will most likely never possess, but that does not make me a woman hater." [Wegeler/Ries p123-4]
Erdody's son August died - possibly via abuse at the handof Joseph Brauchle, the family tutor [Anderson#634]
May 13
Letter to C. Erdody "live only in art" [#633]
May 15
2nd letter to C. Erdody after learning of her son, August's death: "I am seized with grief on your account, and on mine, for I loved your son ..." "...I hope to have news of you soon, weep with you now..."
Wrote in sketches "live only in your art"
June 2
Josephine applied at Hungarian Court Chancellery under the name, Countess Deym, for passport to Pyrmont.
Josephine registered in Baden under Deym name. The authorities noted the entry and issued the passport to Baroness von Stackelberg.
10,000 fl.WW deposited(8% int.)w/Steiner
July ~5
Moved to Baden, Ossolynskisches Schlos (Today: BraitnerstraBe 26)
Referring to Karl's upcoming hernia surg & to a trip B. is planning to "P-t" - he would go on a trip only if Karl is in good hands [NwsltrV9#2-3 p124 & Tagebuch #90-91]
July 29
Publication announcement for Violin Sonata op96
Quartet op95 and 'Archduke' Trio op97 published
Sept 18
Karl underwent hernia surgery in Vienna then taken to Beethovenin Baden for recuperation by the Giannatasio's. (Beethoven remained in Badenduring the surgery and immediate recovery period.) Beethoven undertook plansto have Karl stay with him, consulting Zmeskall and later Nanette Streicherabout domestic arrangements.
Carl Czerny, B's piano student, began teaching Karl on t piano and began giving small concerts every Sunday, often attended by Beethov who sometimes improvised..
Giannatasios spent the day in Baden w/ B. & Karl. y Giannatasio recorded in her diary overhearing B. speak w/ her father that 5 yrs earlier B. had wanted a more intimate union w/ a woman but it was "not to be thought of, almost impossible, a chimera. Nevertheless, it is now as, on the first day, I have not been able to get it out of my mind."
B. returned to Vienna - moved to the Sailerstatte until April1817. [L.Dec p32] There, a student, Carl Friedrich Hirsh, recalled B "workingin a flowered dressing gown. Out of doors he wore a dark green or browncoat w/ gray or dark trousers to match - on his head a kind of low top-hator in warmer weather a brown or dull gold straw hat. In his whole dressBeethoven was very slovenly. In his rooms there was the greatest disorder- music, sheets of paper and books lying partly on the desk and partly onthe floor. Now and then the master wore spectacles for reading, but he didnot wear them continuously." [L.Dec p34-5 ref#1]
Oct 14
After returning from Baden, became ill & remained indoorfor 2wks until early Nov.
An die ferne Geliebte published
Visited by Peter Joseph Simrock from Bonn. B spoke to him about argument he was having w/ an English visitor (probably Neate) & the London Philharmonic Society: B. felt they were attempting to dictate what kind of music he should write. This was subsequently resolved over the following several weeks. [L. Dec p32]
Josephine severely depressed w/ Stackelberg returning thenext summer and her mounting debts.
Nov ~
Karl noted B's illness and depression ~ this time [?evidence that B. had accepted Josephine's resignation in the face of events.
7th Symphony published in score and parts
Piano Sonata op101 completed
[Tagebuch#104]: "with regard to T. there is nothing else but to leave it to God, never to go there where one could do wrong out of weakness; only leave this totally to Him, to Him alone, the all-knowing God!" [see May 8 letter to Ries Anderson#632] (Possibly referring to Immortal Beloved)
Temporarily at the inn, "Zum Romischen Kaiser, Renngasse 145(now #1) thru1817.
Dec 15
Prince Lobkowitz died - annuity payments continued as agreed by heirs.