Ludwig Maria [4/1/1769 - 4/7/1769]
Casper Carl [4/7/1774 - 11/15/1815] -------------> 1 son, Karl
Nickolaus Johann [10/1/1776 - / /1848] ----------> 1 daughter, _?_
Anna Maria Franziska [2/22/1779 - 2/24/1779]
Franz Georg [1/16/1781 - 8/16/1783]
Maria Margaretha [5/4/1786 - 11/25/1787]
Antonie Brentano [5/28/1780-1869] - Possibly Im.beloved (vs. Josephine Deym). 1st child w/ Franz died in infancy
Countess Giulietta Guicciardi [1784-1856] - Pupil ~1801. Romance w/ B. but married Count Gallenberg 1803.
Josephine Deym (Brunsvik) [ 1779-1849] - Love relationship 1804-1807. Possibly lifelong as Im.Beloved.
Therese Malfatti [1792-1851] - Piano student and romantic interest of B's. Fur Elise written for her. Her uncle had been B's physician in 1808 after Dr. Schmidt died in Feb 1808 (or 1809). B. had ben introduced to the family by Gleichenstein. Note: In 1809, Therese was 17 years old and Beethoven was 37-38 years old.
Marie Bigot [1786-1820] - [Doubtful] Moved Vienna 1804 w/ husband: Razumovsky's libr., Paris 1809. Pianist, autograph score of Appassionata played from sight for B. B. accused of attempt at seduction, rejected.
Magdalena Willmn [17__ -1801] - Met wen Beethoven was 24 years old. He wrote many songs for her between 1797-9 including Adelaide; she described him to others as "ugly" and apparentlyh used him to advance her singing career.
Anna Marie Erdody [ ] -
Amenda, Karl [1771-1836] - Violinist and theologian, born in Courland, came to Vienna in 1798 where he became the tutor to Prince Lobkowitz's children. He soon met Beethoven and became close friends while in Vienna 1798-99. Their correspondence continued after Amenda's return to Courland in late summer 1799. In 1802 after studying theology at Jena University, he became a pastor. [Anderson v1 pg34 footnotes]
Brauchle, Joseph -Friend, Erdody children tutor '03- .Left V. w/ them '13. Susp.of abuse '16: Erdody child's death
Brunswick, Count Franz [1777-1849] - Friend in Vienna. Josephine's older brother (by 2 years)
Dolezalek, Johann - met B. 1800 when B.29 yo & Dolezalek was 20; established lifelong friendwhip [per Manof his Word p12-13]
Erdody, Countess Anna Maria[1778-1837] - Left Vienna 1815, back 1819-20, left for Munich 1824.
Haslinger, Tobias [1787-1842] - Employee, then partner, then sole proprietor of Steiner Publishing House.
Malfatti, Anna [1792-1851] - 1 year younger sister of Therese; piano lessons from B.; married Gleichenstein 1811.
Reicha, Anton [1770-1836] - Czech comp.& friend in Bonn 1785, moved Vienna 1802-friends; moved Paris '08
Ries, Ferdinand [1784-1838] - B's student in Vienna 1801. Son of Franz Ries: taught B violin in Bonn.
Sebald, Amalie [1787-1846] - Singer from Berlin, met B. at Teplitz (Bohemia) 1811 and 1812
Streicher nee Stein, Nanette [1769-1833] -Anna Marie. Piano maker w/ husband; close friends. Vienna since 1794.
von Breuning, Eleonore [1772-1841] - St. v. Breuning's older sister & Wegeler's wife. B. was attracted early.
von Bruening, Stephen [1774-1827] - close friend since B. age 11yr through remaining life. His first wife: Julie von Vering [Nov, 26 1791- ?] - daughter of Dr. von Vering. Died 11 months after marriage 2nd wife: Constanze Ruschowitz - After Julie's death, remarried (this was Gerhard's mother)
von Domanovecz Zmeskall, Nikolaus [1759-1833] - Official in Hungarian Chancellery, cellist, long friendship.
von Gleichenstein, Baron Ignaz [1778-1828] - One of closest friends. Married Anna, sister of Therese.
von Graumann, Baroness Dorothea [1781-1849] - Pianist. Friend by 1804 - studied w/ him. Op 101 ded. to her.
von Malchus, Karl August [ ] -
Wegeler, Franz Gerhard [8/22/1765-1848] - MD, Prof.of med.:U. of Bonn at 19y; Bonn friend; Vienna 1794-96.
Weissenbach, Aloys [1766-1821] - Mil.surg., then Prof. of Surg., Salzburg.;deaf; wrote lib:cantata, Der Glorreiche Augenblick (op136).