The von Breunings:
Helene [1750-1838] - widowed at age 26
Emanuel Joesph [died 10/11/1740]
Christof [5/13/1771 - 1841]
Stephan [8/17/1774-6/4/1827] - "Steffan" - 2nd marriage to Constanze - 3 children:
Son Gerhard [8/28/1813-1892] - When age 12 - 14, met & befriended B. until B's death.
Daughter Marie [ - ]
Daughter _______ [ - ]
Lorenz [1777-98] - "Lenz"
Eleonore Brigitte [4/23/1772 - 1841] (married Franz Gerhard Wegeler in 1802 Koch Bonn family.)
The Kochs
Widowed - Bonn Family who operated an inn frequented by B.
Daughter: Barbara (Babette) close to B. in Bonn. He wrote to her from Vienna.
The Lichnowskys
Prince Karl (younger brother was Count Moritz) and his wife: Princess Christiane nee Thun
The von Brunsviks
Count Anatol & Anna - Hungarian aristoc. w/ ?5 children.(sisters grew up in castle of Maronvasar)
Maria Theresa [1775 - 1861] - One of B's students; a cousin of Giuletta Guicciardi; husband died 1804, after ? mar.proposed.
Franz [1777-1849] - Cellest (received ded op57,77); Close friend of Beethoven's.
Josephine [1779-1821] - One of B's students and possibly a love; a cousin of Giuletta Guicciardi.
Charlotte [1782-1843] ?? Julietta [ - ] Therese von Brunswick is buried near her sister, Julia
The Guicciardis
Countess Giulietta [1784-1856] - piano lessons 1801. B. Romance. 1803 married Count Gallenberg; cousin of Maria/Josephine Brunsvik.
The Deyms
Count Joseph Deym [ -1804] - married 1799 Josephine nee Brunsvik [1779-1821]; 3 children.
Josephine became close to B.after the Count's death in 1804 but by 1807 relationship cooled. In 1810 she remarried C. Christoph von Stackelberg w/ separation 1813. They had 3 children from this marriage:
* ________
* ________
* Minona [1813- ]
The Bigots
Marie nee Kiene [1786-1820]:Pianist; friend. Played appassionata from sight. Husband was Count Razumovsky's librarian.
The Erodys
Countess Anna Marie [1779-1837] - Friend and advisor from ~ 1803; 3 children:
Marie (Mimi) - daughter
Friederike (Fritzi) - daughter
August (Gusti) - died 1816 (possible abuse by Joseph Brauchle, family tutor). He was to have had Piano Trio in f dedicated to him but w/ his death, it was never completed.
The Malfattis
Dr. Giovanni (Johann) Malfatti [1775-1859] - (He was ennobled 1837).
Met B. thru Gleichenstein (whose family was ennobled 1746).
Treated final, fatal illness along with several other physicians.
Family was ennobled 1785.
Giovanni Malfatti's brother had 2 daughters:
Therese [1802-1851] - received Fur Elise, marriage proposal by B.
Anna [1792- ] - married Gleichenstein 1811
The Brentanos
Antonie [May 28, 1780-May 12,1869] - her grandfather obtained ennoblement.
Mathilia [1799-1800]
Georg [1801-1852]
Maximiliane [1802-1861]
Josefa [1804-1875]
Francisca [1806-1839]
Karl [1813-1850] Bettine [1785-1859]
The Streichers
Andreas [1761-1833]
Anna Maria (Nanette) nee Stein [1769-1833] - piano makers; close friend (especially 1817-18).