To Johann Andreas Striecher,
Vienna Pressburg, November 19, 1796

Anderson v1 pg 24-25 letter #17



Dear Streicher!                                                             

     I received the day before yesterday your fortepiano, which is really an excellent instrument. Anyone else would try to keep it for himself; but I -- now you must have a good laugh -- I should be deceiving you if I didn't tell you that in my opinion it is far too good for me, and why? -- Well, because it robs me of the freedom to produce my own tone. But, of course, this must not deter you from making all fortepianos in the same way. For no doubt there are few people who cherish such whims as mine.

     My concert is to be on Wednesday, November 23rd. If Stein wants to come, I will give him a most cordial welcome; and I can certainly provide him with a lodging for the night.--

     In regard to the sale of the fortepiano, I had conceived this idea long before you; and, moreover, I will certainly endeavour to carry it out -- With all my heart I thank you, dear St[reicher], for your kindness in being so obliging to me. I only wish that I could return this kindness in some way. But I trust that without my having to remind you of this in my letter, you are wholly convinced of my hearfelt desire that the merits of your instruments should be recognized in this country and everywhere, and that you should always be fond of me and regard me as your affectionate and warm-hearted friend.

Many kind remembrances to your wife, and to the bride and bridegroom.