To Christine Gerhardi
[Vienna, 1797]

Anderson v1 pg29-30 - letter #24

Dear Chr[istine],

       You said something yesterday about the likeness of me. -- I do wish that in this matter you would proceed rather circumspectly. For I fear that if we choose F. to return to it, perhaps that wretched B. or that extremely stupid Joseph will interfere and, in that case, the affair may then become a trick to be played upon me; and that would be really deplorable. I should have to revenge myself again; and surely the whole populace doesn't deserve that. -- Try to get a hold of the thing, if it is at all possible to do so. I assure that after this experience I will appeal in the Press to all painters not to paint me again without my knowledge. I really do not think that this face of mine would ever cause me embarrassment. As for Sara and taking off my hat, why, that is really too stupid and, what is more, too discourteous for me to exact retribution for anything of the kind. Please expound to her the rights of anybody who is taking a walk     -- Adie, the devil take you. --