To To the Countess Josephine Deym
Vienna, December 1804

Anderson v1 pg122-123 - letter #103



       We have fixed things up with Schuppanzigh -- He is coming -- and is delighted to come. He will write to you about this himself or he may go to see you -- You can have the musical performances every fortnight and you may fix the day for Schuppanzigh; Zmeskall too has helped to make this arrangement with S[chuppanzigh] in his kindly, indefinite way - otherwise everything would have been different - Thus the contradictions in me have been resolved - As to the music for net Wednesday, I should prefer you either to have no musical performance or to keep to Schlesinger for the time being, so that the hatred of those people may not be directed against me who am innocent - My brother who has an appointment at the Bank Cash Office, requested me yesterday to beg you to allow him to pay his respects to you, for he would like to ask you to recommend him in some quarter. I don't know what it is all about. But I merely add that if you can perhaps help my brother in some way, then I too recommend him to you. Although wicked people have spread a rumour that he does not treat me honourably, yet I can assure you that all that is not true, but that he has always looked after my interests with sincere integrity. He used to have something uncouth in his behavior and that is what put people against him. But he has completely lost all that as the result of some journeys he has undertaken on behalf of his office; --

       So, dear, kind J[osephine], let me know when he may call on you -

                                                        Your - your - your