To Presumably a fragmentary copy of a lost letter from Beethoven to the Countess Josephine Deym
Vienna, Spring, 1805

Anderson v1 pg134 - letter #112



. . . from her --

       the only beloved -- why is there no language which can express what is far above all mere regard -- far above everything -- that we can ever describe -- Oh, who can name you -- and not feel that's however much he could speak about you -- that would never attain -- to you -- only in music -- Alas, am I not too proud when I believe that music is more at my command than words -- You, you, my all, my happiness -- alas, no -- even in my music I cannot do so, although in this respect thou, Nature, hast not stinted me with thy gifts. Yet there is too little for you. Beat, though in silence, poor heart -- that is all you can do, nothing more -- for you -- Always for you -- only you -- eternally you -- only you until I sink into the grave -- My refreshment -- my all. Oh, Creator, watch over her -- bless her days -- rather let all calamities fall upon me --

       Only you -- May you be strengthened, blessed and comforted -- In the wretched yet frequently happy existence of us mortals --

       Even if you had not fettered me again to life, yet you would have meant everything to me --