To Baron Ignaz von Gleichenstein, Vienna
Baden, soon after June 23, 1807

Anderson v1 pg172-173 - letter #148



Dear kind Gleichenstein,

       Will you be so kind as to deliver this to the copyist tomorrow - It refers, as you see, to the symphony [Opus 60] - by the way, if he hasn't finished the quartet [Anderson footnote: "Probably the third quartet of Op. 59"] by tomorrow, take it away from him and give it at once to the Industriekomtor - You may tell my brother [Anderson footnote: "Probably Nikolaus Johann, Beethoven's youngest brother."] that I shall certainly never write to him again - Of course I know the reason for his behavior. It is this: because he has lent me money and has formerly spent a little for me, he is (I know my brothers) probably worried because I cannot yet repay the sum; and the other one, moved by a spirit of revenge against me, is probably egging him on too - But the best thing for me to do is to draw the whole amount of 1500 gulden (from the Industriekomtor) and pay him back with this sum; and then that business will be settled - Heaven preserve me from having to accept favours from my brothers - Have a good time - My greetings to West -


NB. I sent the symphony from here to the Industriekomtor. No doubt they have received it -- When you come here again, Bring some good sealing-wax with you --