To Heinrich Joseph von Collin
Vienna, Autumn, 1808

Anderson v1 pg197-198 - letter #175

Dear Friend,

       I have studied your plan most carefully and I have shown it to Breuning as well - Whatever task you undertake will always be extremely well done. But from the very beginning I told you that the subject of 'Alcine' was too well known - I remember many scenes in the ballet Alcine; and that along makes me feel unhappy about it; and what an opportunity would that offer for comparisons to be drawn, especially by the opposition party, in your case and mine. Take, for instance, the account of the abduction on Roger's winged horse which in the ballet can really be carried out before the eyes of the audience. - Bradamante's challenging Atlas to a duel, his being put in chains - all those incidents were shown in the ballet - and on the whole the subject closely resembles that of the ballet - And now there must at all costs be magic - I cannot deny that on the whole I am prejudiced against this sort of thing, because it has a soporific effect on feeling and reason - However, so far as that is concerned, do as your like. I promise you that even if you stick to this subject and, moreover, in its present form, I will set it to music all the same - Well now, I have put forward my objections - As to the decorations, I have already told H[artl], who endorses my opinion, that we should not take those which have already been used - Why should it be that in our work where the public is really entitled to expect something, less trouble should be taken than in bungled work? If there is no option I should even prefer to make less profit. - And on the whole I believe that the whole business could still be tackled in a different way - I shall not be here tomorrow. But next week, let us say, Tuesday or Wednesday, I will call on you - At the moment I have to devote far too much time to pot-boilers - The reason is that thanks to the promises and solicitations of my friends, which in the case of the latter have been made rather slowly and vaguely, I have been drawing nothing but blanks - All good wishes.

                             The friend of the poet Collin
                                                                            Ludwig van Beethoven