Key usage: c - pathetique and later heroic
Db - repose "sweet song of rest"; "song of peace" [ref: ? #24]
Db - "Awfully dark" (per Gardiner - early 19th century continental) [ ref B.Nwsltr v6#1p24]
E - Bright & pellucid (per Gardiner - early 19th century continental) [ ref B.Nwsltr v6#1p24]
B - Keen & piercing (per Gardiner - early 19th century continental) [ref B.Nwsltr v6#1p24]
b - "Black key" ... a focus of negative energy... [reference by Beethoven in Kidderman p202]
Note: need to obtain: "A History of Key Characteristics in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries"; Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press 1983 pp174-76.
3rd movement of 4th Piano Concerto ---> 9th symphony Ode to Joy theme
WoO 118 Leider ----------------------------> 9th symphony Ode to Joy theme
Op 80 ----------------------------------------> 9th symphony Ode to Joy theme
Op 135, 1st movement ---------------------> 9th symphony Ode to Joy theme
Op 132, 4th movement (Thanksgiving)--> Pacelbell theme (? Lydian mode)
Missa Sol. (Agnus Dei) --------------------> related to Handel?
60 Kreuzer = 1 Silver Florin = 1 Gulden
4.5 Florin = 1 Ducat (1820)
50 Florin 1826 = 33 British Pounds in 1984 (~$70.00)
650 Reichsthaler 1822 = 637 British Pounds in 1984
1793 Luxury life for single person = approx 1200 florin / year
1793 Restaurant costs ~ 33-39 Kreutzer for midday meal.
1803 Theater orchestra musician's salary: ~ 400 fl / year.
1803 Middle level bureaucrat's salary: 1000-2000 fl /year
"... Yes, what is to touch the heart must come from above; otherwise it is merely notes, body without spirit" [L. Decade pp124-5]
"... from the heart - may it penitrate to the heart" [L.Decade p125]
"... the Lydian mode is most suited to tragedies and songs that can move the soul and draw it out of itself." [L. Decade p127]
1st piano sonata similar to theme of finale of Mozart's symphony #40.
Possibly false - Kyrie of Mass in D was used as a wrapping paper for butter (a mistake of the cook).
In Vienna, engrossed in thought, he once found himself utterly lost in a remote village outside of Vienna. As dusk descended and rain began falling, he prowled around house windows looking for help, which soon caused the local police to arrive and arrest him as a vagrant. "But I am Beethoven", he protested....finally it took the mayor of the town to identify the composer. The mayer then provided a special coach to take Beethoven back to his home with deep apologies.
* Maximilian Friedrich [1708-1784] - Elector Succeeded by Maximilian Franz [1756-1801] - Elector (younger brother of Emp. Joseph II) * Emperor Joseph II - reformist and enlightened ruler. Died Feb 1790.
* Per Marie Elisabeth Tellenbach: Solomon mistranslations of prostitution issues, etc. Suggests B. did not use them and errors w/ respect to Antonie Brentano. [ref: B.Nwsltr v8#3/v9#1]
* Modling 6 miles N. of Baden (approx. 1 hour by carriage)
* Baden 16 miles S/W of Vienna
* Story in Forbes Magazine 4/25/94 - Martin Lobkowicz, a boston resident, granted 70,000 volumes of music scores including 3rd symphony original manuscript. as heir to Prince Lobkowitz.