Zenser - organist of the Munsterkirche who gave organ lessons to Beethoven as a young child.
Christian Neefe [1748-98] - Taught B. piano, composition, figured bass.
Johann Baptist Schenk [1753-1836] - Counterpoint instr. to B. while studying w/ Haydn [Some ? of accuracy]
Johann Georg Albrechtsberger [1736-1809] - Lessons x 18mo in counterpoint, fugue, etc.
Krumpholz - taught violin to Beethoven soon after his arrival in Vienna along w/ Schuppanzigh.
Antonio Salieri [1750-1865] - Viennese Court Kappellmeister from 1788; B. studied Italian vocal/op. style 1800-2.
Prince Karl Lichnowsky [1756-1814] Mother-in-law: Countess Maria Wilnelmine Thun: Mozart & Haydn patron
Princess Christine Lichnowsky [1765-1841]
Count Andreas Kirillovich Rasumovsky [1752-1836] Lichnowsky's brother in law; Czar's envoy to Vienna; friend of Mozart, Haydn, Metternich & von Gentz (last 2 may have afforded B. protection.) After op59 written and debuted, he assembled quartet, lead by Schuppanzight w/ Linke as violoncello; placed them at B's disposal. Fire destroyed Palace & fortune12/31/1814.
Archduke Rudolf [1788-1833] Youngest son of Leopold II and youngest brother of Emperor Franz. 1803-4 at age 16 chose B. for his piano teacher. Remained student of B. for most of life.
Prince Kinsky [1781-1812] - One of 3 [w/ Archduke Rudolph & Pr.Lichnowsky] providing 4000 fl/yr. from 1809
Baron Gottfried van Swienten [1733-1809] - One of earliest Viennese patrons, friend of Mozart.
Prince Franz Joseph Maximilian von Lobkowitz [1772-1816](violin player and patron to the musical arts) paid annuity 1809 along with prince Kinsky and Archduke Rudolph. (Met Beethoven upon arrival.) He received dedications of Quartets op 18, Triple concerto, 3rd, 5th, 6th symphonies, Leider cycle "An die ferne geliebte"(and donated 1040 Guldens for them) - B. criticized nonetheless for late annual payments:
Baron Johann Baptist von Pasqualati [1777-1830] - Music lover, art collector. B.home on/off 1804-15.
Count Johann Georg von Brown-Camus [1767-1827] - one of the chief early Viennese patrons. Gave horse to B. after the dedication of op10#1-3 to the Countess along with other dedications.
Count Moritz Fries [1777-1826] - wealthy music lover, banker, intermed. w/ publishers. Ded: 7th sym.
Count Ferdinand Waldstein [1762-1823] - Knight of Tutonic order; leading Patron in Bonn; Friend of Max Franz.
Karl Holz [1798-1868] - Friend and secretary for him 1825-26.
Anton Felix Schindler [1798-1864] - Contact 1822 - 5/1824 & from late 1826 - death 3/1827. [BD: see xiv Wegeler]
Franz Oliva [1786-1848] - From 1809 often acted as unpaid secretary. Left for St. Petersberg Dec 1820.
Bigot, Marie [1886-1820] - Disting. pianist. Husband librarian to Ct.Rasumovsky. Left Vienna for Paris 1809
Bridgetower, George Augustus [1779-1860] - Polish violinist, intro. by Lichnowsky, Kreutzer for him.
Cherubini, Luigi [1750-1842] - Italian composer; paris in 1787. Visited Vienna 1805-6.
Clement, Franz [1780-1842] - Violinist and friend. 1806 Violin Concerto written for him.
Clementi, Muzio [1752-1832] - Pianist, publisher. Visited Vienna 1807 and 1810 and developed friendship w/ B.
Cramer, Joseph [1771-1856] - Pianist/comp/pub; visited 1799 x1yr.; spent time w/ B. who incorp. part of his style.
Czerny, Carl [1791-1857]: Pianist/composer; piano lessons from B. 1801-03; taught Karl 1816-1818; taught Liszt.
Czerny, Joseph - Taught piano to Karl 1820 - not related to Carl Czerny.
Diabelli, Antonio [1781-1858] - Vienna 1803. Invit. for variations on his waltz theme - Diabelli Variations 1823.
Gluck, Christoph Willibald [1714-1787] - Composer
Handel, Gerog Friedrich [1685-1759] - Composer
Haslinger, Tobias [1787-1842] - Composer/pub. Vienna 1810. Took over Steiner's 1826. Close friend.
Hayden, Joseph [1732-1809] - Composer
Hiller, Ferdinand [1811-1885] - Pianist and composer, student of Hummel
Hummel, Johann [1778-1837] - pianist/composer
Kreutzer, Rodolphe [1766-1831] - French violinist. Visit1798. Found by B.: "dear kind fellow". Kreutzer Sonata.
Krumpholz, Wenzel [1750-1817] - Violinist & Mandolinist. Moved Vienna 1795, friend of B.& Carl Czerny. Sudden death 1817 - WoO104 written in his memory.
Linke, Joseph [1783-1837] - Cellist in Schuppanzigh Quartet
Liszt, Franz [1811-1886] - pianist/composer. Met B. 1822 at age 11. B. impressed.
Maelzel, Johann Nepomuk[1772-1838] - Inventor of the 'Panharmonicon' and other musical inventions
Mayseder, Joseph [1789-1863] - Violinist in Schuppanzigh Quartet
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix [1809-1847] - Composer
Meyerbier [1791-1864] - Composer and pianist
Moscheles, Ignaz [1794-1870] - Pianist born in Prague. Lessons to Mendelssohn.
Mosel, Ignaz [1772-1844] - Amateur musician and writer on musical subjects.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus [1756-1791] - Composer
Neate, Charles [1784-1877] - Pianist and composer. Founder of Philharmonic Society of London.
Pachler-Koschak, Marie [1792-1855] - Pianist
Paisiello, Giovanni [1740-1816] - Italian opera composer
Reicha, Anton [1770-1836] - Flautist
Rossini, Gioacchino [1792-1868] - Italian opera composer
Salieri [1750-1825] - Viennese Kappelmeister, composer
Salomon, Johann Peter [1745-1815] - Born in Bonn, settled in England. Violinist & concert promoter. Died in August when he fell from a horse.
Schubert, Franz [1797-1828] - Composer
Schumann, Robert [1810-1856] - Composer
Schuppanzigh, Ignaz [1776-1830] - Viennese violinist virtuoso. Led several str.quartets in Vienna (1st 1796). Long friendship w/ B; 1808 lead Razumovsky's quartet; 1816 ~1 yr fire destroyed Razumovsky's palace (Dec 31, 1814), quartet disbanded, shortly after, left Vienna, returned 1823 (return may have influenced comp. of B.'s late quartets.)
Seyfried, Ignaz Xaver [1776-1841] - Composer; Kappellmeister at Th.an der Wien; turned pages for B at Premiere of 3rd piano concerto.
Simrock, Nicholas [1752-1834] - French horn. Publisher.
Smart, George Sir [1776-1867] - English composer, conductor, singer and organist
Spohr, Louis [1785-1859] - Composer, conductor and violinist.
Sterkel, [ - ] - Famous pianist that commented on B's playing in a "contest" (see 1791)
Umlauff, Ignaz [1746-1796] - Michael [1781-1842], his son, Viennese cond. at prem. Fidelio (v1814)& 9th in 1824.
Van den Eeden, Gilles [ - ] - One of B's teachers. ? study ?
von Domanovecz, Nikolaus Zmeskall - amateur cellist. Met at Lichnowsky's Fri. am music gatherings.
von Ertmann, Dorthea Baroness - gifted pianist, one of the best in Vienna c.1803. She helped B. with concerts and was a close friend [per Man of His Word p21]. Mendelson related that she lost her child and in her pain, Beethoven played the piano for her, soothing her grief.
von Weber, Carl Maria [1786-1826] - Composer. Director of Fidelio performance 1814. Mutual respect w/ B.
Wagner, Richard [1813-1883] - Composer