I, GARY D. EVANS, do declare as follows:

1. I make this declaration of my own personal knowledge, and I am willing and competent to testify to these facts if called upon to do so.

2. Attached hereto as "Exhibit A" are the original tape cassettes of the recording I made at the meeting of the Pacifica Foundation Board of Directors on Sunday, September 17, 2000, at the Double Tree Hotel in Arlington, Virginia.

3. The "Executive Committee Report" and the board discussions following the report, which I personally transcribed from my recording and which transcription is attached to my original Declaration filed with Plaintiffs’ moving papers, begins on Tape One, Side B, 5 minutes and 14 seconds after the beginning of side B, and continues through the end of side B, and then continues on Tape Two, Side A, for the first 5 minutes and 3 seconds of that tape.

4. I was personally present throughout the board meeting on September 17th, and also the day before on Saturday, September 16, 2000, when various committees of the board held public meetings which I also tape recorded..

5. In transcribing the "Executive Committee Report" I was able to recognize almost all of the speakers on the recording from my own personal recollection of the meeting, and also from my familiarity with their voices as I had heard them speak over the course of two days of meetings. The directors and Bessie Wash were identified at the meetings by name cards in front of their seats. In addition, the Chair often called upon speakers by name, thereby identifying them. On the few occasions when I was unable to identify the speaker, that is noted in my transcript.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States and the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed at Santa Rosa, California, this 27th day of November, 2000.
