Compiled by Gary D. Evans
Last Updated:
April 23, 2019 8:38 AM
Time p-BB
Spatial Diam
10-43s |
1032K |
1019GeV |
Planck Time: Schwarzschild scale = horizon size. 11-dim. false vac. fluctuation seeds universe. |
10-38 - 10-36s |
1032K |
1019GeV |
Gravity splits from metastable multi-dim. non-zero energy vac. field, w/ sufficient strength to convert directly into mass. Strong force next became distinct from EW, which then split into EM and weak force particles. All particles receded from each other simultaneously; at these high temps, kT ›mc2, all particles behaved as photons. Neutrino mass (Majorana): L-Handed neutrinos collided with Higgs yielding Massive R-handed neutrinos; then decayed back into L-handed low-mass neutrinos. (With later cooling, R-handed neutrinos decayed away.) |
10-36 - 10-35s |
10-30cm |
1028K |
Inflation Begins. Electroweak Epoch after strong force splits off; |
10-32s |
108cm |
1028K |
1019GeV |
Inflation ends - Between inflation’s start & before its end, the universe supercooled by ~105 then reheated. Linear dims grew by at least 1026, increasing volume by at least 1078. (This would expand an object the size of one million-millionth the diameter of a 10-15m proton to ~8cm in 10-32s. |
10-30s |
1012GeV |
Speculation: Peccei-Quinn phase transition (if correct explanation for strong-CP prob.) |
10-20 - 10-30s |
›1020K |
TeV range |
Strong force splits from the electroweak force; Baryogensis; Possible CDM split-off. (Note: Light travel time across a proton = 10-23s.) |
10-9s |
1015K |
1015 |
GeV-TeV range |
Electroweak phase transition (symmetry breaking). The Higgs mechanism: previously massless weak bosons W+, W-, and Z acquire rest mass; (all Higgs interacting particles acquire rest mass.) [Click here for an intuitive explanation of chiral symmetry breaking] |
10-6s |
›1012K |
GeV-TeV range |
Quark-gluon plasma behaves as a fluid; b/anti-b asymmetry present; Neutron Threshold temp. = 10.903 x 1012K; Proton Threshold temperature =10.888 x 1012K |
10-6s |
›1012K |
100 MeV |
Quark-Antiquark pairing. Temp. fell sufficiently to allow hadron/anti-hadron binding (mostly Pi-mesons). Muon pairs at ›= 1.23 x 1012K in thermal equil; soon the dominant form of baryonic matter. [Asymmetric decay channels for strange and charm quarks yielded matter over antimatter dominance (?energy level/time?)] |
10-5s |
1-2x1012K |
1012 |
150-200 MeV |
QCD Phase Transition; Dark Matter freeze out. Baryon-antibaryon pair production followed by annihilations leaving 1BBP baryon excess. Quarks & gluons bind into baryons. (Axions produced, if they exist); p meson pairs produced at 1.57 x 1012K. |
10-4s |
1012K |
1011 |
Annihilation of muons and pions. Hadron / anti-hadron pairs no longer produced. |
2x10-2s |
1011K |
Mixture: ~1089 of each elementary particle + 1080P + 1080N (1:109 photons or e- or e+). Small #s of Neutrons and Protons now in equilibrium act as radiation with bT›mc2. |
›2x 10-2s |
3x 1010K |
Equilibrium of e-, e+, photons, and neutrinos; 38%N/62%P |
10-1s |
‹3x 1010K |
6x 109 |
3 MeV |
Neutrino thermal equilibrium broken, i.e. decoupling. Weak force converts N to P. |
1s |
1010K |
1+ MeV |
Weak force no longer converting Neutrons to Protons // Lepton Epoch: lepton-antilepton pair production in thermal equilib.; leptons dominated ord. mass until temp fell (by 10s): pair annihil. |
4s |
5x109K |
4x109 |
1.011 MeV |
Radiation-Matter thermal equilibrium ending: e-/e+ annihil. = creat. (Ph. energy = 2 x 0.511MeV). 24%N : 76%P. |
10s |
4x109K |
109 |
.0500 MeV |
e-/e+ annihilations complete leaving 1 PPB matter remaining (from pairs originally present) |
14s |
3x109K |
4x108 |
~100 KeV |
Radiation › Matter Dominance Begins; Photons ‹511eV, e-/e+, ann. › creation. Reheating w/ neutrinos 8% cooler than e+/e-/photons. Du ann. = creation, i.e., bottleneck to synthesis of heavier nuclei. i.e., N:P now = 17%:83% |
2-3mins |
109K |
5x108 |
70 KeV |
Nucleosynthesis begins: D + 73%H + 27% 4He + trace 3He + trace 7Li. 109 Photons+neutrinos to 1 e- after e+/e- annihilations releasing heat with photon energy 35% › neutrinos; Free neutrons decay into Protons with N:P now 14%:86%; Deuterium bottleneck continues. |
4 mins |
0.8x 109K |
3x 108 |
Deut. bottleneck end (became stable). 87% P & 13% N. N cooked into 4He, eventually = 26% by wt. |
35 mins |
0.3x 109K |
108 |
› 2 KeV |
Nucleosynthesis ends. Photons 40% › energy than neutrinos. |
1-5 days |
2x 107 |
2 KeV |
Photons freeze out of thermal equilibrium. (Before this, interactions that changed photon #s proceeded rapidly as compared w/ expansion rate; w/ freeze out, CMB photons #s are now fixed. |
› 1 year |
› 9x105 |
Compton scattering allows for thermal equilibrium no earlier than 1 year |
?????? |
?????? |
‹ 105 |
?????? |
Compton scattering ceases, decoupling matter and radiation. |
40 years |
4x104K |
1.4x104 |
40eV |
e- - photon collisions too weak to significantly change photon energies, only their directions. CMB spectrum unchanged (except for redshift) from this time. |
10x103 years |
1.2x104K |
8.2x103 |
1.0eV |
Matter (mostly dark) density = Radiation density. CDM density perturbations grew while baryonic density perturbations could not, given its radiation pressure. |
260x103 years |
3.1x103K |
1.3x103 |
0.26-0.33eV |
Recombination begins (thickness ~z = 900-1300, peaking at 1090 +/- 200). Dark matter perturbations continue to grow into gravitational wells. |
384 x 103 years |
3x103K |
1.09x103 |
0.26eV |
CMB-LSS: sufficiently cool to allow electrons and baryons to form neutral atoms. Free electron content dropped by 104. |
2.9x103K |
0.9x103 |
Recombination fully ends Press. down by 109; (thickness from z~900-1200 w/ peak z=1091) & +/-200K |
150x106y |
0.1-1.0x103K |
~23 |
0.01-0.10eV |
Dark Ages End (Jeans Mass fell ‹= 105 solar masses); first (pop3) stars & galaxies formed, reionizing the neutral atoms formed at recombination. |
109y |
7 |
Small galaxies and galactic groups form |
8x109y |
0.6 |
Dark and Baryonic matter equally dominant. Milky Way disk forms |
9x109y |
0.4 |
Dark Energy domination over Matter. Accelerated expansion begins. |
13.8x109y |
92x109LY |
2.72K(+/-0.002) |
0 |
0.000691eV |
Now: baryonic » photon energy [109 ph x .000691eV = 691KeV to 1 nucleon = 939 MeV; neutrino background ~1.95K; Baryon# density p/mp = OB/mp*3H02/8pG = 1.1x10-5 OBh2cm-3. 400 photons/cm3; 1013 photons/s/cm2. Baryonic=4.9%; Dark=26.8%; Dark E.=68.3% |